Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011–Happy New Year!

The New Year of 2011 is well underway and I hope everyone is doing well…
I am still recovering from my accident last August (2010), but am doing well…  I got a “walking boot” at my last post-op appointment, but the doc still wants me to wait a bit longer (3 weeks) before I start putting weight on my left foot (the injured foot/ankle) – that gives me a “start date” of February 1 – I’ve waited this long, guess another few weeks won’t matter!

I returned to work on 13 December 2010, so there was no interruption of getting a paycheck, and I am once again earning vacation and sick leave to rebuild what I used up.  At work, my job now – until I am able to walk without assistance (cane, crutches, etc.) – is a “sit down” job: I work at a computer creating tutorials for a new maintenance program the school district is now using…

August 2012 seems a long way off right now, but I am using the time to start on a “slide show” of our days at Granite (1964-1967) – the only problem is, I need photographs from that time period!  I can use the pictures from the two Granitians I have (1966 & 1967), but it doesn’t give me the variety I am looking for… I have sent out a request for pictures, but to date I haven’t heard from anyone…  So, if you are reading this – help me out… I will even give you screen credit!

I encourage everyone to visit our reunion site and click on the button that will allow you to indicate you will be attending the upcoming 45 year reunion… It’s not the “official reunion registration”, but it will give us a “head count” as to who will be attending… The “official registration” will probably be available around the first part of 2012…  So, stay tuned…!

Okay, I’ve blabbed on long enough… Let me “step aside” and let someone else leave their thoughts…  I know time can be a premium at times, but take a few moments to share your thoughts here…

Keep safe and keep in touch…!

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